Monday 26 March 2012


product poster:

CAD drawing:

snap shots of the final product around the home


  1. cannot remember seeing this in class although the design is quite fun but functional. the eyes would be better if they were sewn or made from some sort of decal material, similar to branding on clothes etc.

  2. A really fun and playful response to the brief and what a great name as well!! I'm not sure weather those plastic eyes would be washable though.

  3. VIVIAN I love your biomimicry project, the design is prefect for your intended consumer and your latex material which is stretchable like a pelican's beck is also very good idea. There wouldn't be much I'd improve other than you didn't chose the feathery material for the head part for a more interesting tactile feeling.

  4. This is such a cool product, youve really narrowed in on your target market. Aesthetics are great for such a kids item, making doing the washing fun and exciting again. The biomimicry is really obvious in this product haha which i think is really important for a kids product. For improvements maybe some sort of adhesive that could just stick to the wall as hanging it might be a little high for some kids to reach to put there clothes in.

  5. I think that choosing a target market for kids has really allowed you to take the biomorphic elements of this design a lot further than you might have otherwise. I really like the use of colour and the inclusion of eyes which say "please feed me, please."

  6. the orange color in a way i think brings up the energy when doing chores, dull colors would not really work, very friendly design for kid's market, round edges and soft padded hooking-top, well executed kid product.
